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Hi I think I have found a small bug, if you choose any menu theme(not sure for all of them but I checked for a couple) and then choose theme 0.14, the music from both themes will play simultaneously, hope I helped :)

true, that slipped through thanks ;)

Any predictions about the next version of this masterpiece?

Hopefully v 0.17 will be released by the end of this year.

Hello, can someone help me, I can't go see Lord Abrax after finding the device, how do I solve it, for your attention, thank you.

hey, you might have run into a rare bug that persisted over the updates, you may have to restart your save. We will try to fix it with the upcoming code rework

I keep getting this error when trying to download refused to connect.

Hola que tal tengo un problema con la apk no puedo ir a ver a lord abrax después de encontrar el aparato me gustaría saber cómo solucionarlo por su atención gracias 

Is this the next chapter release or an update to the previous content? Love your game btw. It would also be cool if there was an optional girl with a cock/femboy in the game.

(1 edit) (+2)

every update with a new number has new content, a/b/c only means patches without new content :)


You are awesome as hell for engaging with fans. I'm in a shit financial state right now but once I can get back on track I will absolutely be contributing to your efforts any way I can. Much love and support and I hope you're having a kickass time in life my friend. The world you've made in Stalker is such an awesome experience and I like the no holds barred style you've gone with. The nod to "Book of Eli" seriously made me scream with joy. 
 The fact that choices actually MATTER in this one is such a joy when so many AVNs just feel like there aren't any STAKES involved. It's immersive and the world actually breathes and feels ALIVE. I can't heap enough praise into one comment. Keep kicking ass Zetan. 


thank you that's very motivating ;D and don't worry about it take care of your finances first before supporting others, thanks again for the encouraging words

You're the only one who wants femboy helicopters in this game...

(1 edit)

hello im sorry to bother im not that good a pc stuff i just found the game and i download it just now the pc file and it did not open wen i click on the application once agin im sorry if i bothered you                                          

hi you need to unpack the file and then run the renpy launcher

Deleted 3 days ago
(1 edit)

thanks for the help the prop was that i extracted the game in the desktop and it was not working wen i did it in my local drive it worked 

nice good it works now enjoy

For a game this good, this question will probably be asked a lot...

Any ETA for 0.17?

we're working on it, the next one is a bigger one so it might take until Q4

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